My mother completed her RAD Treatment since the beginning of June 2014. She is three months post treatment now. The swelling in her neck is really bad but it only swells at night or if she sits down for a while. She gets up all hours of the night just to walk around the house so the swelling goes down , It seems like its fluid building up . Does anyone know how long this happens. During her surgery in March 2014 the Doctor did remove 50 Lymph nodes from her neck. Could that be causing all this swelling and or fluid build up. And how long does this swelling or fluid build up last .

Last edited by sweetpe1; 09-08-2014 09:58 PM.

RE:My Mother
Age 70
Non Smoker
SCC 3/4/2014 Left rear jaw
Mandiblctmy 3/25/2014
35RAD Completed on 06/03/2014
MRI 9/3/2014
25mm lobulated recurrence left mandible/floor of mouth carcinoma
9/23/14 Salvage Surgery
9/23/14 Salvage Surgery Not Successful
Chemo Recommended
1st Round of Cisplatin Chemo Started 10/20/14
Cisplatin stopped 11/20/14. Side affects to bad.
Chemo started again 1/22/15 Carbo/Docetaxel
Passed Away April 22,2015