Christine, do you know of any similar sites for ovarian/peritoneal cancer. You seem to know a lot about these things and I've searched with no success, even though I used a forum based at the University of Pennsylvania back in 1997. I'm in a cancer support group with people with different cancers. Breast cancer and melanoma seem to have foundations and online discussion but ovarian-type cancers?

1996, ovarian cancer surgery + cisplatin and taxol.
September, 2007, SCC of left lateral tongue. Excision.
October, 2009 recurrence in scar tissue, T1NOMO. Free flap surgery from left wrist - neck dissection. 63 year old New Zealander. No chemo, no RT.
February, 2014. New primary in left buccal mucosa. Marginal mandibulectomy, neck dissection, right arm free forearm flap. T1N0M0 but third occurrence and some areas of concern: RT started 8 April and finished 19 May.