Hi Philip,

Welcome to OCF. This is a tremendous resource for obtaining information of all kinds related to oral cancer.

Please speak with the doctors and therapists about the aspiration issues as each case is different and suggest different outcomes. They know his specific condition and are nearly always to best to answer this sort of question.

The vast majority of folks come off the PEG and return to eating normally, many soon after treatment ends, some after some delay and a handful require a PEG for prolonged times. The general timeframe for recovery is a year within which the vast improvements will be experienced.

If you offer more details about his diagnosis, treatment, and condition that allows members to provide more relevant answers and insights to assist you and your brother.

Again, welcome to OCF.


Male, 57 - Great health except C
Dec '12
DX: BOT SCC T2N2bMx, Stage 4a, HPV+, multiple nodes
1 tooth out
Jan '13
2nd tooth out
Tumor Board -induction TPF (3 cycles), seq CRT
CRT 70gr 2x35, weekly carbo150
ended 5/29,6/4
All the details, join at http://beatdown.cognacom.com