[quote=emilyp]I was diagnosed at 24 - no tobacco and HPV negative. The day before I had my tumor biopsied, I felt like it started to feel better and almost cancelled my appointment. I would push to get a biopsy if you haven't already just for your peace of mind. From what I have researched, it seems that my leukoplakia did not start out malignant, but turned malignant after leaving it untreated for a year. I am sure you have nothing to worry about, but better safe than sorry! [/quote]

Did your tumor start off as a canker like sore? Were there times when it started to heal but then got worse? I think mine is doing just this. I have an appointment on friday with an ent and am going to push for it to be biopsied. Im sick of dealing with these medical "professionals" who dont take what im telling them seriously. I feel like these people are playing with my life here as I know getting it diagnosed as soon as possible will drastically improve my prognosis.