Hello this is my first post here. A little over 4 weeks ago i developed what i believe was a painful canker sore on the tip of my tongue from a mild bite. During that time i was also under going an extreme amount of stress. However as these 4 weeks went by the sore hasnt really healed at all. I have had some pretty bad canker sores in the past in my mouth usually from bites or brushing my teeth too hard etc., however even the worst ones have lasted maybe 3 weeks at the most.

I have also developed a strange soreness in my teeth and an occasional mild ear ache, more like a feeling that they are plugged up.

Please tell me can i make an appointment at one of the big cancer care facilities on your list or do i have to see a regular dr first for a referral? I know you recommend ents but is there a way to bypass them and go straight to the ccc? I just want a biopsy done as soon as possible. I feel like its all over for me. Im only 30 and am devastated right now. I know trauma has led to oc and with this not healing i know what im probably in for.