Thanks all! It's unclear. Not really eating much food bc of taste; just Boost VHC. Was just Wondering if maybe it was somehow Rads or chemo related, but I think prob not. Have addressed the constipation issue and am off narcotics but could def still be a factor. Anyway I'm really hoping it will just pass -- seeing Rad Onc tomorrow so will see if any insight. And I know I sound so impatient with recovery. I am really working on gratitude and patience; this is just such a longer road than I truly anticipated. Some days are harder than others. I'm actually very thankful to have small kids; they keep me from fully falling apart. I'm amazed that more people doing this do not! Thanks again!

42 yo
No smoke, social drink, HPV neg
May 2013 - SCC Right lateral oral tongue - stage 1 (T1N0M0)
Partial hemiglossectomy and sentinel node bx NEG
NED 5/29/13
3/2014 - Cancer back (never gone) in one right sided cervical node
Modified neck dissection 3/2014, N1 with microscopic ECE,39 nodes neg
30 Rads and 2 cisplatin done June 13!
PET in 3-4 months but no clinical cancer and I'll take it!