Having recently undergone two separate biopsies for a BOT tumor myself I wanted to share my experience.

The first, surgical, biopsy was inconclusive. The surgeon deduced that he hadn't been able to get deep enough inside the tongue (tumor embedded) to get a representative sample.

The second biopsy was done 'fine needle' where they sedated me and lay me on a CT scan bed and inserted the needle (checked the scan, moved a little more) until they were confident that they could extract a representative sample.

Just wondering if that was brought up at all - doing a fine needle style biopsy after the surgical biopsies were inconclusive?


Dx at age 47 (in 2014-06), non-smoker.

2014-06 biopsy confirms SCC in BoT w/ HPV16+, Stage T4aN2M0
main tumor plus 2 nearby lymph nodes; bilateral; no metastasis?

2014-07-01 single molar (#3) extracted

2014-07-21 IMRT (35x) and Cisplatin (3x) have begun

2014-09-05 IMRT and Cisplatin finished! (only had 2x Cisplatin - weeks 1 and 4)

2014-09 to 2014-12 Recovery. I think I can...

2014-12 follow-up PET/CT scan is negative. All clear!

2016-05 all subsequent PET/CTs negative.