Hello all. I'm new to this board. 32 year old female, history of smoking, casual drinker. About three months ago, my throat started hurting all the time. Approximately 6 weeks ago, I noticed bilateral eroded ulcers on my cheeks and red spots all over the roof of my mouth. My doctor tried antibacterial and anti fungal meds to no avail. I went to a dentist who thought it was likely erosive lichen planus and referred me to an oral surgeon. The surgeon said he was certain it was lichen planus, and almost didn't do a biopsy. He changed his mind and did a biopsy on my larger ulcer. He said to make an appt for recheck and biopsy results in two weeks.

I received a call from him yesterday at almost 7 pm on a Saturday of a holiday weekend. He said my biopsy was "interesting." He hadn't spoken to the pathologist yet to see what they think it is, but he didn't think it was lichen planus. He said there was massive hyperkeratosis, candidiasis, and something else I cannot remember. He said the interesting part was the candidiasis, because I was already on antifungal meds and there wasn't really any sign of fungus on examination. Now I have to wait three more days to go back and see him to get the official biopsy results and possibly take more biopsies.

My question is... What the heck could this be? I am so scared and all this waiting is driving me crazy. My surgeon said not to lose sleep over it yet, but it is super scary to be called at night, on a holiday weekend. Thanks in advance!