my dad started this process last Octobers when he had what we thought was a candor sore. The small dot on his cheek was removed and turned out to be malignant. Within two weeks after removal a lymph node became swollen. By the time it was biopsies it was four times bigger. Was also malignant. During surgery tumor was broken/ruptured and a second lymph ode was cancerous. He also had a post operative infection that required a second surgical procedure and delayed radiation/chemo treatment. Now he is 32days post radiation and feels there has been no improvement. Can't eat, has feeding tube, and has constant mouth pain , sore throat and extreme weakness he is understandably depressed. Doctors throughout this process have been really useless, we seem to get a lot of contradictory info, or doc changes story with every visit.

My dad age 62 lymphnodes in left cheek removed (two cancerous) chemo/radiation ended May 31, 2014