Please go see an ENT and tell of your concern! My Father had 2 tumors that were dissolved according to Dr's and now he has a 3rd tumor that was discovered, obviously not all cancer cells were killed, it keeps coming back!

I don't want to scare you, but you are the only one that knows your body. Get copies of your reports and go get a 2nd opinion at a CCC. Don't wait, keep calling your primary care doctor to refer you to another ENT or call the same ENT you had previously seen about this new lump. There must be a way for you to get seen through your insurance company, just find the way. I will be praying for you!

Caregiver along with my mother to my Father
SCC 12/2012 age 63
25 rad end 2/2013
10 rad end 7/2013
9/19 recur. Stage IV
not a candidate for surgery
more chemo 10/2013
Clear PET 01/2014
cancer back on PET 04/2014
not operable MET to nose
at a NCCN
35 Rad start 06/23/14
Chemo every week during Rad for 7 weeks