Hello everyone, I'm a 26 year old living in the great state of Georgia. I'm very concerned that I may have some form of tonsil cancer, but am not exactly sure. My main symptoms include mild discomfort in the general area of my right tonsil, ear pain and fullness on the same side (however I occasionally feel this symptom on the other side, and a somewhat "bitter" taste on the right side of my mouth. I have no noticeable neck enlargements or anything to that extent and I also have GERD/LPR. I don't smoke and I'm a very light drinker. Whenever I inspect the general area, the tonsil has a noticeable "hole" at the top (I'm assuming that this might be a tonsil crypt) and feels harder than the left tonsil. However, the left tonsil protrudes out farther than the hard right one. Also, one of my lingual tonsils (on the same side) is very slightly larger and has a small white speck located on the side of the tonsil. I haven't ruled out that this might be a tonsil stone, however it's not in a position that I can "pop", so I'm more than concerned. Neither of the two areas have grown since I first started feeling symptoms in the September/October time frame, however I still just can't shake the notion that something is potentially wrong. Also, the feeling of discomfort/ear pain seems to come and go. I won't feel anything for a few weeks and then will have a week with rather strong pains. I went to my GP in October complaining of the issue and was just diagnosed with a "red throat" from acid reflux. I'm visiting a different doctor tomorrow to discuss the issue and am hoping to gain some resolve.