I must have had good genes because my neck got red but not really too bad. I think the skin peeled off about the end of treatments and the nurses gave me some creme to put on my neck every day which I did religously. That helped alot. I'll have to go find the stuff and post it. My throat was sore but really not too bad. I was on pain patches for about a month, more for my tongue soreness than anything. My tongue swelled up from radiation and my teeth rubbed the sides so much that it got really sore. I used BMX to numb my mouth to eat and drink. I truly believe that nutrition is what saved me. I was getting over 3000 calories a day with my shakes and that helped my body heal faster. One other thing I did during almost all of my treatment was to take a quart bottle of water and add 1 tsp of salt & 1 tsp of baking soda. Shake it up then rinse, gargle and spit out. My radiation Dr. harped on me to do that as many times a day as I could. I started the first day of radiation. He said it breaks up the thick mucous that the radiation burns produce so it heals faster. He was right..... It does do that very thing. I still do it several times a day. He told me that he has successfully treated 100's & 100's of patients the way I was treated and has had a very good success rate. His name is Gerold Saxton at the Cleveland Clinic.
You know, the parking lot at the Cancer Center at the Cleveland Clinic is ALWAYS full..... I hope to help anyone who needs it to get thru the treatments and continue to live their lives.

Brian Krause, 7 months & counting SCC (base of the tongue) survivor....