Brian thank you for putting the screening device matter in perspective. As possibly the luckiest guy on the site with OC, I want as much early detection as possible for everyone. They tell me that my OC was caught early, and the December 31, 2013 surgery is all I will need. It's tough to read the stories posted by folks diagnosed late. Worse yet are those whose cancers progress while they mistakenly relax with a benign diagnosis, because their samples weren't analyzed by labs properly experienced with this horrible disease.

You are right to express caution about wild marketing claims. The internet has allowed all the old scams new life with a greater audience. Separating the unscrupulous from the promising behooves us all.

Ja 2013 tongue, red sore spot, r/r edge + white strip underneath, no pain
Al Bx on spot, strip, and vocal cords, lab rep benign
Oc 24 Surgeon follow-up, larger Bx req'd
Oc 25 Bx bits to Vanc. Cancer lab
No 14 MD said more ca investig'n req'd
No 19 Prince George CC, MRI & CT
No 20 PGCC Oncol says cancer
De 2 Vancouver Cancer Centre, PET/CT
De 31 VGH partial glossX + ex spot on vocal cords