hi all

Thanks so much for replies. And yes, i am feeling very ill indeed. I think Eric is right, it is probably tonsil cancer as the mass in my tongue left side is right next to the tonsil. There is another small lesion next to the other tonsil. I am seeing a very good maxillofacial surgeon tuesday. Yes i have been treated for health anxiety but i have also been misdiagnosied. I saw an ent specialist for symptoms with my voice neck who looked for two minutes with a camera and said reflux. I asked my doctor three years ago is my tonsil looked normal because one is round and smooth and the other is full of lumps, couldnt look more different. I was tols this is a normal variation and now i not only have a mass in my tongue, i feel tired as anything, no apetite, and i felt the lumpy tonsil and it feels like it is growing down into my neck. Thanks eric for your posting which i think is what i am facing. Fishmanpa yes, i have been on here a while cause i had a mouth ulcer last year that failed to heal and was biopsied.