I have written on this amazingly supportive site on numerous occasions. I guess it really helps to connect with others.

Finally i was able to explain myself to the oral surgeon and he is seeing me tuesday. My story began with an ulcer under the left side of my tongue which was biopsied and came back negative for cancer.

Recent months, the last six at least, i have have had a strange pain reaching from my left ear down across my neck. And i have had pain in my tongue muscle far back in the left side. Last night i got fed up and investigated the area and it seems that there is a growth in the floor of my mouth which extends into the very side or my tongue. I thought it felt as though something was growing into my tongue but dismissed it as i must be mad.

So back to the oral surgeon for me. I am suspecting that the original biopsy was not good enough as the site of the painful growth is not far from the biopsy site so here i am and its been nearly a year since.

Be good to talk to anyone going through this experience xxx