Hi Anne,
Thanks, I am new in this group, In September 13 I got to know that I am having Tongue cancer ( Ulcer on Right lateral border of Tongue) & my Dr. who is ENT specialist he told me after biopsy that it is in a very early stage of same unfortunate that it is cancer but fortunate that it is in very early stage.

The Report :- Squamous cell carcinoma showing morderate to poor differentiation.

Neck - No palpable lymphadenopathy
Throar - No Trismus, No Ankyloglossia
There is 1.5cm x 1.5cm ulcer seen on right lateral border of tounge which is situated opposite to premolars, surrounding induration of 2 to 3mm all around
IDl : Both Vocal Cords Mobile.
HPR : Mod to poorly diff SCC.

Procedure Done on 08.11.13 - Partial Glossectomy (R) and selective neck dissection (Right)

I hope above details are ok if more details are required plz let me know.
