I'm looking at the lab report, itindicates the wbc @ 51.8 k/uL. It says the acceptable reference range is 3.5 - 11, with an alert that it is really high. The doc said if it doesn't go down she's concerned that her blood could sludge. The rbc is listed @ 3.8 M/uL with an acceptable reference range of 3.88 - 5.26, so thats a little low. I don't know what K/uL or M/uL mean. I went off the deep end when I was told they haven't seen a wbc so high and that this wasn't a good thing. No infection is present and they don't believe it is anything else (cancer) that would cause this spike. I'm off to the hospital to see if thing have improved.

Mom's caregvr. DDS failed to dx 01/03. Dx Stg IV SCC 05/03. Induct. chemo, IMRT, 5FU, H, Iressa, Neck disect, radiation. Dad's caregvr. Dx 01/04 Ext. Stg SCLC. Mets to liver/bone 08/04. Died 11/12/04. Mom tongue CA dx 06/13, hemiglossectomy (80% removed) 08/13. Clean margins and nodes, but PNI. 6/15/15: Tongue CA at base of remnant tongue. Declined further tx; hospice.
Died 10/13/15. What a long and difficult journey.