
I have posted on this forum before regarding my father's ongoing batter with Oral Cancer. Below is a short summary:

55 y/o male from Toronto, Canada. Being treatment Sunnybrook Hospital, Odette Cancer Center
diagnosed in Feb 2013, underwent surgery in April 29
Cancer came back before rad treatments could start.
35 rad treatments and 2 chemo treatments concurrently. Last treatment on aug.29th.

We recently met with his team of doctors for a follow up after radiation and unfortunately, he did not respond to the treatment as the tumour seems to have grown and they are suspecting it has spread to his lungs. He only did an MRI from neck up so their doubts are not confirmed and he will have CT Scan but they have given us the dreaded news that it is not curable and referred us to palliative care. It is all too much for him and my family as we were really hoping to high dose of radiation will work. The doctors have told him on average he has months to live. We do not want to give up and have requested to have a second opinion at Princess Margaret Hospital. My question is, what other options do I have apart from the conventional therapy? His doctors have said they do not have any more treatments they can give him as they have exhausted all their options. I have been researching into alternative cancer treatments but they all seem promising and have their share of bad reviews and not to mention, they are very expensive. I don't know if I am posting it in the right section but any help from the wonderful members here would be truly appreciated.

Thank You