Hi there,

I am new here. I am 46 and found a spot on my tongue. I went to my dentist who referred me to an oral surgeon for a biopsy. I see the oral surgeon in two weeks and I am scared to death. frown

I smoked for 29 years but quit on March 15, 2012. I do not miss it one bit. I am so happy to be rid of that habit! grin

I do not drink.

My grandfather died from oral cancer at 42 years old. I am not sure what kind he had but he was a heavy smoker and he was a heavy drinker.

I am glad to have found this forum. Well sad to be here really due to the reason for being here but I feel comforted knowing I am not alone.

Take care,

Mich, 46 year old female. Spot on tongue. Dentist referred me to oral surgeon. Appointment is the last week of Oct. 2013 for exam and biopsy. VERY scared. frown