The second Ciaplatin is kicking my butt. Much worst than the first probably since I am already stressed from the 1st TX and 15 radiation Txs and poor diet (1000 cals per day). I am doing this without a PEG. Now I can hardly get 500 cals into my body. I constantly battle nausea. Between the mucus and the weird tastes I constantly gag which hurts my stomach. Keeping my mouth clean helps with the gagging reflex. I am able to get enough water into me. It helps to breathe thru my left nostril only since my right nostril puts air right on my tonsil where the dying tumor is at. Magic mouthwash (pink punch) has saved me on many occasions. Taking guaifenesin is helping with the mucus. I have lost about 12 pounds.
Smells right now are really strong and annoying. Some smells make me gag. Photophobic and cannot handle too much TV. The loud sounds and flashing lights are really bothersome.
For the good news, the tonsil tumor seems to be gone and my neck nodes are disappearing. However, the skin on my neck is cooked. Also, this damned Texas weather isn't making things much better. Dry and hot is not good for throat and neck cancers. Sorry that my report is jumbled but that's the only way I seem to be able to think right now. Well I'm off to a dark quiet room to meditate

6/5 ENT visit
6/11 FNA biopsy on lymph node
6/13 DX T2N2b stage 4 SCC on right tonsil metastasis to lymph nodes on right side
7/8 first chemo using Cetuximab
8/20 radiation oncologist initial visit
8/21 dental clearance
Cisplatin and Radiation starting Sept 9