About a month and half ago I started to have a small lump in my Retromolar Trigone area that would mildly hurt. For the past 3 weeks I feel a 2 bumps on my tonsil that I try to pop thinking it could be tonsil stones but can't pop them. I've been reading it could be tonsil stones or tonsil cyst or even possibly tonsil cancer. For 3 weeks now I will get pain deep in my left ear. When I stick my finger inside mouth and push on the bump on my tonsil I feel the pain. The pain is not that severe, pretty mild but very annoying. Pain in my ear and if I eat and swallow something I Feel a bit of a pinch on the bump. Recently past 3 days the ear pain has gotten worse on and off but this morning my jaw is real stiff, first time that happens. I'm currently over seas and saw a ENT recently and he seemed like he just wanted money. He told me you most likely have tonsillitis and we should do surgery to remove your tonsils, he also said if it made me feel any better when can send it in to see if its cancer. I'm really worried since this has been going on for a month and half. I don't have any fevers so I'm thinking it can't be tonsillitis. I feel pretty fatigued as well for about the past 2 weeks. Any thoughts? Suggestions? I plan on getting back home to the states and finding a ENT doctor. Maybe thinking I should do a Biopsy of the bump in the tonsil and do some cat scan on my sinuses. Any suggestions on how to tell as well if that bump in my mouth in the Retromolar Trigone area is cancer? The bump hasn't went away and only hurts if I push on it. I'm 27 Male Ex-Smoker. 4 months into my quit and I smoked for about 10 years. I do have a deviated septum as well. I read somewhere it could be Mucus Retention Cyst. Real confused.