Sorry I haven't been on the board in a while. I was starting to psych myself out leading into the surgery so figured I had better take a break.

Had my surgery as sceduled on th 20th of Aug. Everything went as planned. Half of tongue removed, along with about 60ish nodes. Tongue had clean margins but close. 4 of the nodes came back cancerous, one with extracapsular extension.

Reconstruction went well, just waiting for the swelling to go down. The toughest part is trying to move in all those tubes they leave in you. Luckily my wife has been great through it all so I don't embarrass myself too much in front of strangers.

Hoping to get to go home on wednesday without the trach if all goes well tonight. Then starts the fun of looking forward to radiation and chemo.


Stage 4 SCC on right underside of tongue

DX on 7/19/13 at age 29, no tobacco, light drinking

Partial Glossectomy/reconstruction/neck disection 8/20/13
Temp Trach, PEG tube

4/59 lymph nodes cancerous, 1 with extracapsular extension

Chemo - Cisplatin - 3 treatments started on 10/01/13
Radiation - 33 treatments started on 10/02/13