Hello I was diagnosed 11/16/04 with SCC of the right lateral oral tongue. The local head and neck surgeon made an appt for me to seen at Sloan Kettering in NYC. Had right modified radical neck disection, type III, right per oral partial glossectomy. Spent 8 days in the hospital and recovered well from surgery. I started radiation 1/19/05 and after 3 treatments I am already seeing major drying effects in my mouth. Doctors are also giving me injections of Ethyol which is suppose to help with the dry mouth. As of today it is not working. Has anyone had success with this type of injection?
I am getting more frightened as I read information about my treatment online. Any advice and/or help would be great appreciated.

SCC of the right lateral tongue T(2); N(1); M(0) Surgery 12/6/04. Currently undergoing radiation since 1/19/05 for 6 weeks.