You are a funny guy, Paul! Thanks for the advise and support! I do have all of the trust and faith in our ENT Surgeon. He found the cancer and took quick action. Jim had seen several doctors before the ENT who kept telling him it was just acid reflux. This guy took one look and broke the news that the right tonsil had cancer. With all of that behind us, the treatment is next and we want to get rid of this beast. Jim is up for the challenge and would prefer the most aggressive treatment available. He is getting things in order and I will make sure he is taken care of.

Thanks again, Paul!

Wife, caregiver
Diagnosed 5-7-13
SCC right tonsil HPV+
No node or tissue involvement
Surgery 5-20-13 removed both tonsils, neck dissection
Pathology Clear of cancer, no other involvement
tumor right at 4cm, so was staged T3N0M0
Treatments suggested both radiation and chemo
Have not begun that journey