It really doesn't matter if the topic is the latest real or made up political scandal or Douglas's comment. The Internet trolls for the most part only show the stupidity of the bulk of American's commenting online- not only how little they know, but how often their prejudice, bigotry, and willingness to say the stupidest things dominates. This is what living behind a blind screen name affords you, the ability to say whatever you want without thought of other's feelings or your impact on them, or to promote lies and propaganda, to others. They eventually crawl back into they cowardly holes when they can't bait anyone into a fight any longer. Thank God that the Douglas thing has finally reached that point and a serious discussion can take place. But there is little question that while he and his wife paid the price for what he should have had stated in a more complete and articulate way, he has raised awareness that was much needed. Now we need to fill the opening with good solid information.

I just (as this was all breaking) edited and added to the OCF HPV pages. In one hour after we were mentioned in the Huffington Post story, we had 14,000 hits on that one page of our web site. That's not a typo, 14k in one hour, and it went on for days like that.

Last edited by Brian Hill; 06-14-2013 09:36 PM.

Brian, stage 4 oral cancer survivor. OCF Founder and Director. The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.