We were very happy 3 months ago, when my brother was discharged from a cancer hospital with very favorable prognosis. Despite huge weight loss, eating and swallowing difficulty, he dared joined his work back.

But, a couple week ago, we had a major setback. he had terrible headache. they did CT nothing in there so they assumed neuralgia and rxed Lyrica and some other pain meds. a few days after that, he developed left eye ptosis. We consulted a neurophysicain. He ordered MRI.

Findings of the MRI are devastating. it says that they see a lesion on exterior wall of nasopharyngeal wall extending to few more places also edema around optic nerve (likely metastatic). we asked for Biopsy but his current drs are adamant that it is not possible. they have advised 10 days RT. Should we approach other Dr.?

DX: SCC of Ca Palate 9/12, Biopsy and MRI 9/12
PET 9/12 : SCC of soft palate, 2 lymph nodes with mild SUV.
TX: Cispaltin weekly for 6 weeks, RT: 33 days 9/12 to 10/12.
PET 1/13: 2 residual lymph nodes.02/06/13 MRND,0/21 metastatic,some nodes were consistent with TB. AKT initiated