An update here:

We have seen the surgeon & medical oncologist this week. The surgeon scoped my husband and didn't find anything abnormal. No swollen issuses. He says he doesn't agree with the sensation being called 'strangled', it is the tightness from neck after the combined therapy. Both doctors suggest PT & massage therapy helps. The medical oncologist states my husband's depression makes the tightness even worse.

This week is my husband's third week of PT. Seems a bit helpful on improving his shoulder's range of motion, but the tightness is not improving at all. I understand it takes at least couple more weeks to see more result from PT.

Now that my husband keeps feeling depressed with no answers or helpful insights from the doctors in addition of the slow slow progress from PT. He saw the psychitrist 2 weeks ago and was prescribed anti-depressant. The doc says a better mood will help the brain to re-assess the pain/discomfort level. I wonder if any of you have the similar experience? Will anti-depressant help? He didn't fully start the anti-depressant treatment, since only after 1 pill, he starts to have trouble sleeping & feeling nausea the next day. He discontinued it and will see the psychitrist tomorrow.

Can anyone share your experience how long to take for the neck tightness to improve? Surgeon says no nerve or muscle is damaged...but my husband is suffering the severe tightness on neck and very limited shoulder function.

Thanks everyone!

Caregiver for Husband aged 54
Tonsil Cancer IV HPV 16+
Neck Dissection Dec 2012
2 Cisplatins,33 Rads from Jan-Feb, 2013