For the last couple months I had been going to doctors 4 different ones. They just kept telling me it was nothing serious and giving me anti-biotics. Last Tuesday I suddenly started coughing, and when blood started coming up I went to the ER. They did a CT and found a mass on the base of my tongue. ENT came to see me checked me out with endoscope said he was 99% sure it was cancer. I got the biopsy results yesterday and they were positive for cancer. I work as a carpenter/sub-contractor, just started a new job, they have told me I will not be able to do that type of work in treatment. My insurance is inadequate for chronic illness such as this. So I don't know how I will pay for treatment or living expenses. I don't qualify for any type of assistance. My friends and family say they will help, but I just don't know how it is all gonna work out. I am 42 never had any serious illness and very active, so I am sure I can survive this if I can just get to treatment. Friday I get my diagnosis officially, but they hold told me stage 4. I have been reading in these forums for the last week and it has helped me get a better understanding of what this disease is, and what is in front of me.

Thanks for letting me share.



42 yr old male
No smoke, no drink
Stage 4 T3N3M0 BOT
TX 5/20/13 35 rads, 3 cisplatin