Thank you all for the info. We understand what you are saying and although we thought we had seen or got the opinions of enough doctors (and from John Hopkins no less!) on surgery +RT& Chemo or just RT+Chemo we made the mistake of 1- not going to a Cancer Center and working with a "Team" and 2 - getting a second opinion from another RO. It was such an agonizing time weighing up all the pros and cons and we were so confused with all the information. We thought we had made the right decision. We are very happy with the surgeon who will continue to monitor my husband over the next few years and also we really like the MO but we do not like the RO who is arrogant, does not like us asking questions as he believes we should do whatever he says and thinks he is God! We worked out that my husband will be getting 75.6GY over 7 weeks of 6X p.wk RT (42TX) . He gets 180 Rad, 1.8GY daily, 10.8 weekly. So as this seems to be over and above what anyone else here has had, and seems to be the overall opinion that it exceeds the toxicity level, we were thinking of just not doing the last (7th) week, which would make my husband's total RT 64.8GY (36TX). We are, however, getting a second opinion from another RO at Hopkins early next week. It's obviously too late now to change RO's as he has already started TX but we can at least get a qualified opinion as to whether we should skip the last week of RT.
Sorry if Im being annoying and going on and on and on and on!

Pamela (57) Caregiver to husband Jack (68)
2-21-13 DX BOT SCC T2, left LN's affected, Stage 4, HPV+
3-8-13 PEG, Port for Chemo, Biopsy BOT
3-22-13 Start Cisplatin 1X Wk X 5-6 Wks,
3-25-13 Start Rad 1X Daily, 6X Wk, X 7 weeks, (42 TX)
5-11-13 finished Rad after 39 TX and 6 Wks Cisplatin