Well I had my Radical Neck dissection / tonsillectomy and excision biopsy on my left lymph node March 8th @ Georgetown. Doctor was Bruce Davidson and in my opinion a very good doctor. I saw a radiation oncologist @ Georgetown yesterday and have an appointment today @ 2pm with a dentist who specializes in head / neck cancer patients for any work required before treatment. I am told I will have chemo also and my appointment with the hematologist is on April 4th. I am told I have clean margins with some doubt about the top of the jugular, which was removed on the right side. I got out of the hospital on the Tuesday after the 8th, coughed up blood that following Thursday and spent until Saturday back in the hospital. I had an ICV filter put in my right groin and go on blood thinner lovenox this Saturday. What fun this is. I go back to work on the second of April and will try to work through the radiation / chemo. Don't know how that might work will just have to see how that goes. My family has been the best, went with me to every appointment and one of them stayed with me in the hospital. You find out a lot about your family during these kind of things.