Wow, I am impressed with all the responses and best wishes received to date. Thank you all very much for your support.

I start IMRT on 7 September and am scheduled for 7 weeks at 5 days per week. I will also be given
Cisplatin on days 1, 22 and 45. Like all of you I am uncertain exactly what to expect as I go through treatment, even though the Doctors have told me likely scenario's.

The reason I decided to stay at home for the treatment is that Mayo would offer the identical treatment. The local cancer center has discussed my condition with Mayo Doctors and all agree there is no reason for me to live at Mayo for 7 plus weeks. I am trying to eat everything I can get my hands on now in anticipation of the weight loss. From your comments I am leaning toward having the PEG inserted, but will make that decision tomorrow when I meet with my Doctors one last time before I begin treatment.

All the best.
