Thanks again folks. As of now, V's Sarcoidosis is asymptomatic, so he doesn't take any meds. The score continues to bother him. During his last visit, the ENT has him trying something called "Vanderbilt Solution", 4 x day rinse. He had another follow-up CT today, so he'll be back at U of C in a week to get results and for a general check up, will continue to talk to them about this persistent sore.

wife/caregiver to Vince, dx 4/12 Stage IV BOT HPV+ SCC, poorly diff.; T4N2cMo; U of C; Clinical trial, Everolimus; 6 wks ind. chemo (Cetuximab, Cisplatin & Taxol), 50 x IMRT, 75 gy chemorad w/5FU, Hydrea & Taxol; 5 years out, thankfully still NED