So today I met with the ENT to discuss follow up treatment for my PLGA. I already knew what to expect, that it needs more surgery, but I was curious what, if any tests they would run.

First of all, I wasn't thrilled with the ENT. He and his assistant seemed too fascinated with a zit I had on my chin, I mean, really, it's acne! I had to reassure them several times that it appeared overnight and I'm positive it's JUST A ZIT! Not more cancer, seriously. They stared at me like I was a medical oddity and while he held the report in his hand-- the same report the oral surgeon gave me-- he didn't seem to know the specifics of what was going on. He asked me how big the tumor was and when I had the surgery to remove it. I just felt zero confidence. He discussed the surgery and that I would need a skin graft inside my mouth, which could be taken from my arm or they could use alloDerm. I ended up asking if I would need any tests. So he decided that a PET and CT scan were in order.

So I've been crying and freaking out all day, honestly it's not that big of a deal, but alot is going on right now like my dad being admitted to the hospital after his second round of Chemo. But my husband and I decided we would feel alot better with a second opinion (not so much opinion, just someone else to talk to and inspire confidence in us) and maybe just the CT scan and surgery, and I feel uncomfortable with the idea of the alloDerm, would prefer my own skin even if it means another wound. I feel like time is of the essence, but I feel better for cancelling tomorrows tests.

What is everyone else's experience with all this? Am I just overreacting? Am I being foolish to wait another week to get things done? I don't know how to feel besides overwhelmed. I know it could be much worse.

Age 30, mom to 2 little boys
Small tumor in right cheek removed 1/23/13
DX PLGA 2/15/13
Appointment with ENT 2/26
PET scan clear
Surgery for wide excision w/ skin graft scheduled for 3/28