Hi Everyone,

So my mom has decided to pursue surgery for treating her cancer. I need help understanding what to expect from others who have been caregivers or experienced the surgery themselves. Our pre-op appointment with the ENT surgeon is on Friday and the next pre-op with the plastic surgeon is on Monday. What sorts of questions should I be asking? What does the immediate recovery look like? They said approximately 7 days in ICU. Then what? Will she be transferred to another floor of the hospital? Another facility?

I'm trying to prepare myself and plan ahead. I'm also a student trying to finish school and her only care giver in this state. Family is coming in for a few days during her surgery and then leaving. They're asking me about when would be the best time for them to be here to help me - and I don't know how to answer that questions.

Any feedback would be great. Thank you!

Nay, daughter/caregiver to:
Mom (65 yrs), non-drinker, non-smoker
Mandibulectomy+flap reconstruct: 3/12/2013
Biopsy+CT/PET: April/Sept 2012+Mar/2013
Dx: SCC in the jaw - Stage IV a
Tx: 3 cycles TPF chemo (last cycle ended 1/28/13)
- soft foods diet, hospitalized 2x, jaw bone disintegrated