Thank so many of you for responding with encouragement or advice! I still don't have a diagnosis. I went to the ER after getting a headache that felt like acid was being poured over my brain...MRI, CT scan, blood work...nothing pointing to a reason for my pain. Can't have a PET scan until one of the tests indicate an area of concern. Upper molars now in on the pain. Oral surgeon chipped away a jawbone spur but no relief from that. Trigeminal nerve still irritated. I now feel like I have a piece of sharp glass lodged in my throat behind a tonsil. If I don't take pain meds every 4 hours, I get pain at 10+. I sit at my desk at work and just cry. Then I suck it up and back to the computer/work...if I lose my job, I'll be in a bigger mess.
I did have chemo (horrible reaction) but no radiation. Breasts were removed.
Still no fever, but temp hovers at 96.1 or lower. No allergies or stuffiness. My ear is sore as is that whole triangle where my jawbone hinges. The lump on my jawbone is still there, but the tests don't indicate that its a tumor. Rats! If it was, at least they could take it out and maybe get some relief. Am I incubating a tiny tumor? Do I have to wait until its big enough to kill me? 4 months is just crazy, and 11 months for Ruthanne? How can this go on? I see my PCP on Monday....