Thanks guys! This really helped me a lot! I had some left over pain meds from my biopsy and ACL surgery I had in the past so I've been using those now and feeling a lot better. I'll have to try the hair dryer trick too! Just in school they're always like if you take too many pain meds you'll become a druggy and addicted and they're bad for you! But I guess thats more of a scare tactic haha! Thanks for the info about the "referred pain" and the tumor possibly pushing on a nerve. That makes a lot of sense. I'll be sure to tell my Dr. though when I go in for surgery. Hope y'all have a wonderful Christmas! I know I'll be stuffing my face! smile

Thank you for all your generosity and help!

Shelby, 28 yrs old, stage 3 tongue cancer, non- smoker, not HPV, 12/27/12 partial glossectomy and neck dissection, 1 lymph node positive, Chemo and Rad 5 days a week, 32 treatments, feeding tube in, finish treatment 3/22/13 smile back to normal basically