Hello dear ones. Still happy to be posting in this forum. Dad is rounding year two of metastatic treatment and has just completed the cap/lap trial. Not only did he participate for 6 months longer than most on cap/lap, he is doing very well. He has two new small spots, one nuked with rads this week and the other just visible in a lymph, but its under control. QOL is also very good, and we are very thankful.

Now starts another (more aggressive) trial aimed at stunting tumor spread, ACE-041 http://clinicaltrials.gov/show/NCT01458392 . I've been reading about side effects but this trial is not well validated, does anyone know of it or can you direct me to experts that do? TIA!

CG to Dad. Biopsy 5/11 non-op, SCC stage IV poorly dif at base of tongue with nodes, quit smoking in '85, ChemoRad began 8/2/11 ended 9/22/11 with NED. Distant mets 11/11, clinical trials. War raging on!