Saw a neurologist re. this problem 2 weeks ago. I thought she would just go through the motions and fob me off with a quick chat and sympathy (I really do need to be less cynical).
However, I had a full,thorough examination and what to me seemed a tight analytical approach to my symptoms. I was prescribed daily Pregabalin tablets to ease my condition.
At the moment I feel as though my neuropathy may have peaked (5 months after ending chemo).
I no longer have the acute pain/discomfort in my shoulder joint,the sense of numbness in my fingers,hands and feet doesn't appear to be spreading further,I'm sleeping well and I no longer have the 'electric shock' type sensation in my arms and hands when I extend them outwards.
The neurologist told me that my condition may ease a little, but it will never completely disappear. It's not perfect,but I can manage and I can live with that.

50 yrs.Non smok.Mod drink.
Tongue canc SCC T2N0M0.
Surg. Jul '11 1/3 rd of tongue rem. & sel. neck diss.PEG fitted.
Aug '11 6 wks chemo/radio.3 more canc. nodes rem.
Feb '12 18 wks chemo.
Nov. '12 Mod rad neck diss on right, & pec flap rep. rem. of tumour under chin. More rad to follow in 2013.
**update** Passed away September 26, 2013