I am jealous of you Tina! I guess it just depends on exactly what was taken. I know they took a small part of my base, extending to half of my oral tongue, so I think the combined effect of that has hindered my ability to stick it out, I guess? I would say that maybe the surgeon didn't make my flap big enough, but I don't think that is the case, because it mirrors my real tongue perfectly. I think the flap tissue just doesn't stretch.

I think my inability to stick out my tongue is the main reason why my speech sounds the way it does. It is very hard to make the "l" and "th" sound when your tongue can't go past your teeth. I subconsciously tend to jut my bottom jaw forward to try and compensate, but I don't think it is good for my jaw. Do you have the same issues Shauneen and Donna?

As long as this darn cancer doesn't come back though, I can live with my limitations! I can still eat pretty well, which is way more important smile

Last edited by emilyp; 11-15-2012 07:36 AM.

Emily - 24 years old at diagnosis
HPV-, no risk factors
T2N2b Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Left oral tongue, poorly differentiated
Hemiglossectamy, reconstruction, partial neck dissection
30 Radiation treatments, weekly chemo (cisplatin)
1/13/12 last day of treatment
Diagnosed October 2011