Our 86 y.o. Mom was diagnosed with Stage II jaw cancer in April 12- Had partial maxillectomy and lymphectomy 4/12.
Turned out to be T4NO tumor. No previous health hx. Obturator fitted and recovery initially slow but progressed after a time. 6 weeks of radiation completed by mid July 12. Tough time with radiation side effects but eventually over the hump and starting to gain weight/ re-engage in social activities by end of Aug 12. F/U visit with oral surgeon revealed ? growth in surgical opening of jaw- biopsy positive for ?persistant/recurrant oral cancer.
What a blow. Felt like the carpet was pulled out from under us. She was starting to do so well! MD recommendation - total maxillectomy with Weber- Ferguson incision.
Got second opinion with essentially same end in mind- slightly more conservative approach.
Feeling like only two options available- not liking either but needed to decide...to have surgery or not. Both MDs predicting death in a year or less if no surgery with horribly painful, symptomatic death. Hard to imagine these horrible symptoms with mom feeling so great...

She has decided to proceed and have surgery this Thursday. We are all very nervous about it...bigger surgery, facial incision, larger obturator, home with feeding tube.

Gosh, we all hope this is the right decision...We are rallying around her and hope we can support her to get thru this second surgery in less than 6 months. She just really didn't feel like she had much of a choice.

Is it true this type of cancer moves really fast and are the symptoms as bad as the doctors say if you don't have the surgery?

Darn, wish they had been able to get it all the first time around...hoping we can lick it this time...

Any advice? comments? thanks.