Hi Lowanne, I had my tongue removed in July 2003. I had the feeding tube and trach for 8 1/2 months and had them both removed on April 1, 2004. Although I'm not eating solids yet (hopefully will take up that challenge some day), I am able to swallow well and can take in enough liquid supplements (Boost Plus for example) to maintain my weight. I also had a prosthesis made for my mouth which lowers the roof of my mouth nd am about to finish my speech therapy (after about 3 months or visiting once a week). I have floored my therapist in that I am able to make sounds (words and letters) that according to the textbooks I should not be able to make without a tongue. So there is hope! It's a LOT of work but well worth it. I'm back at work (I work in an office with lots of people) and I haven't come across anybody who can't understand me. Sometimes the word I want to use is hard to pronounce so I substitute it for a word similar in meaning which is easier to say. As I mentioned, I'm not eating solids but if all I'll ever be able to take in is liquid nutrition, so be it - it could be worse! Tell your husband to hang in there! Hugs and good wishes, Nancy

Stage IV oral cancer (tongue), T3N2, total glossectomy with right and left modified neck dissection 7/03, rad /chemo ended 11/03