The progress as you get out from radiation is painfully slow in my experience. I had a little ulcer on the back side of my tongue for almost 4 mos. It was horribly painful!! I am not sure exactly when it went away, but around 5-6 mos out- it was gone & I felt great!!! I swear in those first months it could have taken a feather to cause another sore!! Time is your friend in the healing process! That little voice- we all know it well!! Keep it around as our instincts a great defense, but hopefully you can silence it for now as the experts have been in there to quash your worries.

Here's to healing!!

Sally, 38 years old
T1N0M0 Left Tongue Lesion, Moderately Differentiated
10 + year history Leukoplakia, Mild Dysplasia before cancer diagnosis 8/2011
Scheduled Partial Glossectomy & Neck Dissection 9-17-11