Hello, Janet. I'm also not familiar with this type of cancer, but I'm so sorry you are going through this. �fter going through the stress of chemo and radiation, to be hit with a recurrance is so unfair.
I suppose you have to think back on how you coped with the first lot of treatment and try to do the same. Bit by bit, hour by hour, day by day. When my brother was in treatment, I couldn't think too far ahead. If he had a good result or reaction at any point in the treatment, we were glad of it, and if he had a set-back, rough days because of the treatment, then we thought and researched about the issue (indigestion, nausea etc etc etc etc) as if it was the only problem he had. It kept me sane, otherwise I'd have been sick with worry the whole time. My mum would say "don't borrow sorrow from tomorrow".
I wish you the very best and will be following your's and hubby's progress.

Brother 49yo DX 22/6/11 Tonsil SCC HPV+ Stage IV T4N1(?)M0. Carbo/docetaxel (Taxotere)19/7, 11/8 (with E-tux), 1/9; E-tux 11/8, 25/8, 15/9, 30/9, 14/10, 28/10; IMRT X 35 (70gy tumour;63gy nodes;56gy gen area) 19/9-4/11/11. Clear PET scan 1/2/12. 1 and 2 year post treatment checks good.