nI actually almost participated in a clinical trial prior to my surgery - I would have had to take high doses of Vitamin D. The study was to determine the what high doses of Vitamin D do to cellular structure, among other things.

I am a big believer in the power of vitamins and nutrients in healing. Currently I have upped my intake of vitamins, and nutrients, especially those with a demonstrated effect on cancer and oral health (such as those containing vitamins A, B, C, D and K).

The way I see it, definitely cannot hurt...

Carpe Diem!!
38, non-smoker, otherwise perfect health. Biopsy: 3/8/2012, SCC Dx Right Underside Tongue: 3/12/2012, Surgery: 4/11/2012 Partial Gloss + Neck Dissection to remove 29 nodes (all clear). No Rads or Chemo req'd. I believe my SCC was caused by product used in dental work.