I think the main theme of Michelle's comment is this: You WILL get through it. I had my hell last year starting about now and spent the rest of spring and all of summer wanting to die. I just couldn't stand the pain and misery I was experiencing. Yet, each day I kept trying to save myself. In my blog (benscancerfight.blogspot.com) I remember saying that my friends and family cared more about me than I did. It was true. Yet, here I am almost a year from the end of treatment doing pretty well. I have no idea if the cancer will return or not but I live today for today and enjoy the life I have now. For everyone going through this: just hang in there. Things will be better.

Last edited by bbagby; 04-13-2012 04:35 PM.

Diagnosed in March 2011. Treatment ended May 28, 2011. Back of tongue cancer with one lymph node(stage 4). Feeding tube 5 - 2011, to 9 - 2011. Some saliva and taste. Eating most foods; meat, fish and dry foods not so well. Swallowing pretty normal otherwise. Doing well now. The future? Who knows.