I got the chemo confirmation from an oncologist today. My surgeon told me last week, "looks like we may be able to skip chemo"....turned out to be not so. Today was another one of those "kicked in the face" kinda days. Not sure how my body is going to respond to chemo and radiation, am aprox. 170 pounds at 5'10". I hope to keep my weight on and am going to hit the weights and food super hard this month to try and offset the weight loss later.

Im not sure what this feeling is but I dont like it.....hopefully lifting tomorrow will make me feel better.

Thanks everyone for posting in my thread,
- Jody

8/24/11- SCC stage3:tongue reconstruct from left arm & radical neck, feeding tube,trache.
3/28/12- SCC:radical neck again,chemo/radiation.
Started Cisplatin/radiation 5/2/12. Finished 6/13/12.
37yr old male.
7/19/13: All checks/scans have been good. Body weight and strength have return.