My husband just finished treatment today!! The nurse at radiation said we were both walking lighter and I think we were!! It felt good to pack up everything from the Hope Lodge where we have been staying during the week. I was shocked at how much stuff we had to haul home, the car was packed. Treatment went so much better than I feared after reading about all the possible side effects. He did not lose his hair, no chemo brain, (at least not more than he already had) and the nausea wasn't near as bad. Only 4 days where he lost his tube feedings. The rest of the nausea seems more related to the idea of eating so nothing really the past 2-3 weeks. Lost 20 pounds during treatment but not all bad. He always wanted to lose 20 so he is enjoying wearing clothes that were too tight. The worst has been the gunk in the throat that he has to cough/gag it up. His neck was pretty raw and red but is looking better in spots already since they changed the radiation area to limited spots. After 7 weeks of traveling 3 hours one way it feels nice to be home till next Tuesday when we go back for 3 appointments. Now for the healing to begin and get back to voice therapy and hopefully get the urge to eat again soon. Today his mouth tastes like salt water, was rusty nails. I am trying not to count the days till the first PET scan. I want to sit back and enjoy the spring weather and not wish for July to get here. Thanks for being here and all the support. I can't believe we have been on this journey for almost 6 months. Last October seems so far away.

Husband diagnosed Oct '11 Cancer of the vocal cord Nov '11 removed right vocal cord. Neck Dissection, cancer in one node, .2, very small & contained) Jan '12 Radiation and Cisplatin, 6 doses. June '12 & Dec '12 clear Pet scan. April '13 Celebrating 1 year cancer free since treatment ended.