On 1/10/12 I had an laryngoscopy done to remove tissue for a biopsy. Came back cancer (invasive squamous cell carcinoma). When doctor gave me the diagnosis - she briefly threw out that they thought maybe HPV was an issue/factor. She gave me only 1 of 2 pages of the path report (the page that didn't show anything about HPV) grrr..... Then I met with an oncologist to discuss radiation. Asked him about HPV. He said that he didn't think HPV was related. Then met with a surgeon - he said the cancer was probably related to second hand smoke? (did he even review the path report?!) So I had surgery (partial laryngectomy) on 2/1/12. As of my post op appt on 2/7 - surgery was a success. The surgeon said that he got all the tumor, plus clear margins and biopsies of surrounding tissue came back clear (no cancer). and *still* no mention of HPV. That brings us to last week. I met with my primary care physician and she reviewed the path report and informed me that the tumor tested postive for HPV (here is the exact wording on the path report: 'The tumor cells show nuclear positive hybridization to HPV high-risk probe.')
So, that created a whole new set of questions, concerns and fears. frown I have tried to ask my doctors these questions but seem to get the run around. I am just surprised why the doctors would not have discussed HPV with me? Is it not an issue? It doesn't matter? Can't link my cancer to the HPV?

I guess my main concerns are HPV and recurrence? is recurrence greater when HPV is involved? Will HPV always be an issue/factor?

Should I just let this go? and be happy with my victory right now. I'm driving myself crazy with all the research and wondering what I should do? :-/

1/10/12 laryngoscopy
1/12/12 diagnosed with laryngeal cancer (T1N0M0) HPV+
2/1/12 had partial laryngectomy
2/7/12 post op appt. surgery seems to be a success (no other treatment needed). Praise God! smile smile smile
3/20/12 6 week follow up. all seems to be well