I totally agree with Pandora! We both believe if we would have pushed our wishes harder the first two bouts with his Dr.s he would never have had to be faced with what we are dealing with today. However we thought they knew best. Emmett has been asked to "speak" at a dental meeting in April to stress how important it is for them to watch, act ASP and follow up with their patients even if the biopsy comes back "just irritated tissue" as Emmett's cancer started with.

CG 2 Emmett,7/09 DX SCC rt tongue. T2N1M0, 1 node, marg neg.4/10 PET/CT clear, 9/10 C back. 10/10 Rad hemi, 2 tmrs mod diff. resec flr of mth. Flap 4 nodes/w/ext cap. 11/10 Peg, CX3 HD, 30 rad. 1/31 & 3/21 6/11/11 - PET/CT "activity" 9/11-all Clear. 12/11 peg out. 2/15 still all clear! 9/14 Prostate cancer treated with pencil beam proton therapy, best radiation experience. Keep it in mind as a treatment option for all tumors that can be seen including head and neck.