Two years--that still gives me time for improvement. Thanks for that hope Christine!

Your taste does change and stays that way for a while, how long I do not know. I enjoy eating food but it is different. I do notice more saliva now, just over 1 year past radiation/chemo, and on my "bad side", where my cancer was on the tongue I know have a sweetish, odd taste, which the PA to my oncologist ENT says is very normal, and does mean saliva is starting up. For me taste and saliva return have been related.


SCC tongue 9/2010, excised w/clear margins:8 X 4 mm, 1 mm deep
Neck Met, 10/2010, 1 cm lymph node; 12/21/'10: Neck Diss 30 nodes, 29 clear, micro ECE node, part tongue gloss, no residual scc
IMRT & 6 cisplatin 1/20/11-2/28/11 at MDA
GIST tumor sarcoma, removed 9/2011, no chemo needed
Clear on both counts as of Fall, 2021